Most Popular Types of Fish You Can Catch in the Gulf of Mexico

Most Popular Types of Fish You Can Catch in the Gulf of Mexico

The Gulf of Mexico is home to many types of fish, from the monstrous bull shark to the tiny bluefin goby. The GOM is also home to many different fishing industries, including commercial and recreational fishing. 

Fishermen in the Gulf catch more than 21 species of fish, accounting for over 1 million pounds of seafood per year. Red snapper, grouper, and tuna are some examples of popular fish that can be found in the Gulf of Mexico. To help you find them – or avoid them – here is a list of common types of fish that can be caught in the gulf:

Blue Marlin

Blue marlin is a large species of powerful ocean fish that can grow up to 10 feet in length and can weigh up to 1,500 pounds. They are one of the fastest species of fish, capable of traveling up to 60 miles per hour. 

The blue marlin can be caught in both the Pacific and the Atlantic but is most common in the Caribbean. Blue marlin is an expensive fish, bringing in about $70 per pound at the market. Blue marlin has a firm texture and a delicate flavor, making them a desirable piece of fish. They are also highly nutritious.

Bluefin tuna and Yellowfin tuna

Bluefin and yellowfin tuna are large species of fish that can be found in warm waters around the world, including the Gulf of Mexico. Bluefin and yellowfin tuna are commercially and recreationally important fish species that are caught in large numbers in the Gulf of Mexico every year. 

It’s important to note that fishing for Bluefin Tuna in the Gulf of Mexico is illegal. That’s why it’s so important to know the difference between Bluefin and Yellowfin Tuna.

Bluefin and yellowfin tuna are very large fish, growing up to 2,000 pounds and 8 feet long. This large size makes them one of the most sought-after fish in the world. These species of tuna have a firm texture and a rich, oily flavor. Both can be eaten raw or cooked, but are most often consumed as sashimi or sushi.

Bluefin Tuna

Bull Shark

Bull sharks are large and aggressive shark species that are also common in the Gulf of Mexico. Bull sharks grow up to 10 feet long and weigh up to 500 pounds. Some reports indicate that bull sharks can grow up to 12 feet long and weigh up to 650 pounds. 

Bull sharks are the most common shark in the Gulf of Mexico, making up about 20% of all shark species found there. They prefer warm, shallow waters and can be found in both saltwater and freshwater. Bull sharks are known to be territorial and like to stay close to their home areas. 

This trait makes them an especially dangerous species of shark. Bull sharks are mostly solitary and very aggressive towards humans — making them one of the most dangerous shark species to humans.

Golden Conger eel

The golden conger eel is a large species of eel that can be found in warm Atlantic waters, including in the Gulf of Mexico. The golden conger eel is a marine fish that prefers warm waters and spends the majority of its life underwater. 

Golden conger eel can be identified by its yellow and brown coloration, long teeth, and long body. The golden conger eel is a commercial and recreational fish species, caught in large quantities in the Gulf of Mexico every year. 

The golden conger eel is a delicious and nutritious fish, providing large amounts of protein and rich nutrients.

rainbow runner

Rainbow Runner

The rainbow runner is a type of fish that can be found in warm oceans around the world, including in the Gulf of Mexico. The rainbow runner is a commercially and recreationally important fish, caught in large amounts in the Gulf of Mexico each year. 

Rainbow runners are medium-sized fish that can grow to between 10 and 20 inches long. They are also very colorful, with vibrant blue, red, and black markings on their scales. Rainbow runners have a firm texture and a mild, oily flavor. They are often eaten as fillets or baked, but can also be eaten whole.

Atlantic Sharpnose Shark

The Atlantic sharpnose shark is a small species of shark that can be found in warm Atlantic waters, including the Gulf of Mexico. The sharpnose shark is a non-aggressive species of shark that prefers to feed on crabs, shrimps, and spiny lobsters.

Sharpnose shark is a commercially and recreationally important fish species that are caught in large quantities in the Gulf of Mexico every year. While the Atlantic sharpnose is mostly harmless to humans, it is one of the most common species of sharks caught in commercial fisheries.

Tuna (ahi and maguro)

Ahi and maguro are types of tuna that can be found in warm waters around the world, including in the Gulf of Mexico. Ahi and maguro are commercially and recreationally important fish species that are caught in large numbers in the Gulf of Mexico every year. 

Ahi and maguro are large species of fish, growing up to 1,000 pounds and 6 feet long. This makes them one of the largest fish species caught in the Gulf of Mexico. Ahi and maguro are firm-textured fish that has a rich, oily flavor. Both can be eaten raw or cooked, but are most often consumed as sashimi or sushi.

Grouper species: Gulf grouper, black grouper, and red grouper.

The Grouper is a large species of fish that can be found in warm waters around the world, including in the Gulf of Mexico. Grouper is a commercially and recreationally important fish species that are caught in large numbers in the Gulf of Mexico every year. 

There are three species of grouper that are most common in the Gulf: the black grouper, the red grouper, and the Gulf grouper. All three are large and delicious fish species, but the Gulf grouper is considered to be the most valuable species. All three species of grouper have a firm texture and a rich, oily flavor.

Atlantic Spanish Mackerel

The Atlantic Spanish mackerel is a large species of fish that can be found in warm Atlantic waters, including in the Gulf of Mexico. Atlantic Spanish mackerel is a commercially and recreationally important fish species that are caught in large quantities in the Gulf of Mexico. 

The Atlantic Spanish mackerel is a delicious fish species, tasting similar to tuna and mackerel. It has a rich flavor and a firm texture. The Atlantic Spanish mackerel is often eaten as sashimi, sushi, or as smoked fish.

Spanish Mackerel


The Gulf of Mexico is home to many different types of fish. From the monstrous bull shark to the tiny bluefin goby, the GOM is an ocean teeming with life. This list shows the different types of fish that can be found in the Gulf of Mexico. 

Blue marlin, Yellowfin Tuna, rainbow runner, golden conger eel, and more can be caught in the Gulf of Mexico. If you have an adventurous spirit and love fishing, then the Gulf of Mexico is for you. The GOM provides ample opportunity for both commercial and recreational fishing. With so many types of fish to catch, you are sure to find something you like.